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DJ CHAD ( latin Event - Kizomba -Semba )

Dj Chad est non seulement l’un des premiers DJ et organisateurs de kizomba et semba (Latin Event) en France où il mixe depuis 2009, mais il s’est également imposé dans les pays lusophones. Grâce à son excellent travail sur les fêtes et les festivals (Hongrie, Suisse, Hollande, France, Belgique, Roumanie …), il est en train de devenir l’un des DJ les plus connus du monde.

Who is Dj Chad?
Dj Chad is not only one of the first kizomba and semba DJs and organizers (Latin Event) in France where he has been mixing since 2009, but also has he made his mark in the Portuguese-speaking countries. Due to his great work on parties and festivals (Hungary, Switzerland, Holland, France, Belgium, Romania…) he is now becoming one of the best known DJs all over the world.

Plus d'infos sur Dj Chad ?
